Feb 15, 2020
How to relieve stress in the office
Living stressed all the time is something we have normalized, but that doesn't mean it's right, nor does it mean it can't be avoided. This brief guide will help you with practical exercises so that you can properly manage stress in the office.
Living stressed all the time is something we have normalized, but that doesn't mean it's right, nor does it mean it can't be avoided. This brief guide will help you with practical exercises so that you can properly manage stress in the office.
Living stressed all the time is something we have normalized, but that doesn't mean it's right, nor does it mean it can't be avoided. This brief guide will help you with practical exercises so that you can properly manage stress in the office.
Living stressed all the time is something we have normalized, but that doesn't mean it's right, nor does it mean it can't be avoided. This brief guide will help you with practical exercises so that you can properly manage stress in the office.
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Living stressed all the time is something we have normalized, but that doesn’t mean it is right or that it cannot be avoided. Stress is one of the worst enemies of quality of life and usually manifests mainly in the work environment and from there affects other personal areas. At Zen to Go, we want to see you calm and relaxed, that's why we have prepared this brief guide to help you with practical exercises so you can manage stress in the office properly.
How does stress affect our body and mind?
Stress is not so much a mental state as a series of hormonal activation processes in the body in response to a real or imaginary threat, which has very real physical consequences. In excess, it causes, among other things:
Muscle pain, especially in the cervical and lumbar areas
Frequent headaches or migraines
Digestive alterations such as colitis, diarrhea, or constipation
Memory and concentration loss
Weight loss or gain
In extreme cases, stress can be the direct cause of gastric ulcers, sexual dysfunction, and even lead to clinical depression.
Stress and work productivity
What we colloquially call “stress” is actually a physiological response that occurs when the body prepares to fight against a threat. In evolutionary terms, it is a very adaptive strategy if it involves escaping from a predator or hunting prey, but in the modern work context, it becomes a kind of diffuse general discomfort that neither helps us perform better nor achieve our goals.
Paradoxically, the more stressed we are, the less we perform, we are less assertive and we make worse decisions. Combating stress is not only a health issue, it is also a productivity issue.
Techniques to relieve stress in the office
Neither the work, nor the problems, nor the challenges in the office really come to an end. Stress occurs when we over dimension everyday and inevitable elements of our daily work life, we carry all the responsibility on our shoulders and try to push processes to the maximum that have their own rhythm. To fight against this harmful inertia, discipline and specific actions are needed. Here we explain some of them:
1.- Take brief breaks at least once an hour
Forcing attention on the same task and maintaining the same posture for more than fifty or sixty minutes starts to take its toll on both our mind and our body. Under no circumstances is it healthy to be continuously glued to the chair and the computer for eight hours.
Make sure to clear your mind and stretch your muscles for a moment with each hour of work. As much as possible, also try to organize your tasks in a way that allows you to vary the nature of the activities you do.
Among other things, you can get up for a glass of water to stay hydrated or do some of the exercises we explain below.
2.- Anti-stress muscle relaxation
Preferably, you should perform this exercise standing, paying attention to maintain a straight cervical posture, shoulders back, and the diaphragm well open; be fully aware of the neck muscles, where much of the stress tends to accumulate.
Slowly, make ten movements with your head up and down, and then do another ten repetitions moving your chin to the left and to the right. Finally, repeat the exercise bringing your left ear to your shoulder and vice versa. Try to coordinate the movements with your breathing. You can also relax the shoulders and hips with gentle circular movements.
Practicing this simple routine once or twice a day will make a great difference as it will allow stress to be released properly instead of accumulating until the end of the day.
3.- Controlled deep breathing
Most of the time, humans breathe with short and rhythmic nasal inhalations and exhalations of which we are generally not aware. This kind of automatic breathing does not occupy even 30% of lung capacity and therefore keeps oxygen levels acceptable but not deep.
Properly oxygenating the brain and tissues corresponds to “charging the battery” of concentration and facilitates focus as well as emotional relaxation. It is very easy to do controlled deep breathing exercises, you can do them from the comfort of your chair and they will only take a couple of minutes.
Adopt a comfortable posture with your back straight and eyes closed
Inhale steadily while counting slowly up to ten
Try to fill your lungs from the base of your chest or diaphragm
Exhale slowly while counting to ten
Repeat five or six times
4.- Meditation
Meditation is not only a trendy practice but a scientifically proven technique to reduce levels of anxiety, stress, and irritability. What is exactly meditating? Basically, it is freeing the mind from the past and the future to ground it in the here and now.
There are different meditation techniques that vary widely from one another: some aim to leave the mind completely blank while others rely on guided visualizations that promote states of well-being. Regardless of which one suits your personality best, taking five or ten minutes a day to meditate is a sure bet to control work stress.
5.- The power of laughter and music
Stress is a state that has a lot to do with an alteration of blood pressure and mental processes, as it makes us focus on problems rather than solutions. A simple and effective way to return to a state of well-being and creativity and “think outside the box” is to listen to our favorite music or simply have a good laugh for a moment.
Music positively influences heart rate and hinders the release of stress hormones. Meanwhile, laughter helps relax muscle tension and promotes a flood of happiness hormones. Therefore, taking a break to listen to a song that makes you feel good or just joking with a coworker is, in fact, a very healthy way to improve your performance.
In addition to the practical advice you just read, consider that you can always turn to one of our anti-stress massages at home at the end of a particularly heavy day or week. It's super simple, just log in to our App and select the type of massage you need: we will come to the comfort of your home and even your office.
Living stressed all the time is something we have normalized, but that doesn’t mean it is right or that it cannot be avoided. Stress is one of the worst enemies of quality of life and usually manifests mainly in the work environment and from there affects other personal areas. At Zen to Go, we want to see you calm and relaxed, that's why we have prepared this brief guide to help you with practical exercises so you can manage stress in the office properly.
How does stress affect our body and mind?
Stress is not so much a mental state as a series of hormonal activation processes in the body in response to a real or imaginary threat, which has very real physical consequences. In excess, it causes, among other things:
Muscle pain, especially in the cervical and lumbar areas
Frequent headaches or migraines
Digestive alterations such as colitis, diarrhea, or constipation
Memory and concentration loss
Weight loss or gain
In extreme cases, stress can be the direct cause of gastric ulcers, sexual dysfunction, and even lead to clinical depression.
Stress and work productivity
What we colloquially call “stress” is actually a physiological response that occurs when the body prepares to fight against a threat. In evolutionary terms, it is a very adaptive strategy if it involves escaping from a predator or hunting prey, but in the modern work context, it becomes a kind of diffuse general discomfort that neither helps us perform better nor achieve our goals.
Paradoxically, the more stressed we are, the less we perform, we are less assertive and we make worse decisions. Combating stress is not only a health issue, it is also a productivity issue.
Techniques to relieve stress in the office
Neither the work, nor the problems, nor the challenges in the office really come to an end. Stress occurs when we over dimension everyday and inevitable elements of our daily work life, we carry all the responsibility on our shoulders and try to push processes to the maximum that have their own rhythm. To fight against this harmful inertia, discipline and specific actions are needed. Here we explain some of them:
1.- Take brief breaks at least once an hour
Forcing attention on the same task and maintaining the same posture for more than fifty or sixty minutes starts to take its toll on both our mind and our body. Under no circumstances is it healthy to be continuously glued to the chair and the computer for eight hours.
Make sure to clear your mind and stretch your muscles for a moment with each hour of work. As much as possible, also try to organize your tasks in a way that allows you to vary the nature of the activities you do.
Among other things, you can get up for a glass of water to stay hydrated or do some of the exercises we explain below.
2.- Anti-stress muscle relaxation
Preferably, you should perform this exercise standing, paying attention to maintain a straight cervical posture, shoulders back, and the diaphragm well open; be fully aware of the neck muscles, where much of the stress tends to accumulate.
Slowly, make ten movements with your head up and down, and then do another ten repetitions moving your chin to the left and to the right. Finally, repeat the exercise bringing your left ear to your shoulder and vice versa. Try to coordinate the movements with your breathing. You can also relax the shoulders and hips with gentle circular movements.
Practicing this simple routine once or twice a day will make a great difference as it will allow stress to be released properly instead of accumulating until the end of the day.
3.- Controlled deep breathing
Most of the time, humans breathe with short and rhythmic nasal inhalations and exhalations of which we are generally not aware. This kind of automatic breathing does not occupy even 30% of lung capacity and therefore keeps oxygen levels acceptable but not deep.
Properly oxygenating the brain and tissues corresponds to “charging the battery” of concentration and facilitates focus as well as emotional relaxation. It is very easy to do controlled deep breathing exercises, you can do them from the comfort of your chair and they will only take a couple of minutes.
Adopt a comfortable posture with your back straight and eyes closed
Inhale steadily while counting slowly up to ten
Try to fill your lungs from the base of your chest or diaphragm
Exhale slowly while counting to ten
Repeat five or six times
4.- Meditation
Meditation is not only a trendy practice but a scientifically proven technique to reduce levels of anxiety, stress, and irritability. What is exactly meditating? Basically, it is freeing the mind from the past and the future to ground it in the here and now.
There are different meditation techniques that vary widely from one another: some aim to leave the mind completely blank while others rely on guided visualizations that promote states of well-being. Regardless of which one suits your personality best, taking five or ten minutes a day to meditate is a sure bet to control work stress.
5.- The power of laughter and music
Stress is a state that has a lot to do with an alteration of blood pressure and mental processes, as it makes us focus on problems rather than solutions. A simple and effective way to return to a state of well-being and creativity and “think outside the box” is to listen to our favorite music or simply have a good laugh for a moment.
Music positively influences heart rate and hinders the release of stress hormones. Meanwhile, laughter helps relax muscle tension and promotes a flood of happiness hormones. Therefore, taking a break to listen to a song that makes you feel good or just joking with a coworker is, in fact, a very healthy way to improve your performance.
In addition to the practical advice you just read, consider that you can always turn to one of our anti-stress massages at home at the end of a particularly heavy day or week. It's super simple, just log in to our App and select the type of massage you need: we will come to the comfort of your home and even your office.
Living stressed all the time is something we have normalized, but that doesn’t mean it is right or that it cannot be avoided. Stress is one of the worst enemies of quality of life and usually manifests mainly in the work environment and from there affects other personal areas. At Zen to Go, we want to see you calm and relaxed, that's why we have prepared this brief guide to help you with practical exercises so you can manage stress in the office properly.
How does stress affect our body and mind?
Stress is not so much a mental state as a series of hormonal activation processes in the body in response to a real or imaginary threat, which has very real physical consequences. In excess, it causes, among other things:
Muscle pain, especially in the cervical and lumbar areas
Frequent headaches or migraines
Digestive alterations such as colitis, diarrhea, or constipation
Memory and concentration loss
Weight loss or gain
In extreme cases, stress can be the direct cause of gastric ulcers, sexual dysfunction, and even lead to clinical depression.
Stress and work productivity
What we colloquially call “stress” is actually a physiological response that occurs when the body prepares to fight against a threat. In evolutionary terms, it is a very adaptive strategy if it involves escaping from a predator or hunting prey, but in the modern work context, it becomes a kind of diffuse general discomfort that neither helps us perform better nor achieve our goals.
Paradoxically, the more stressed we are, the less we perform, we are less assertive and we make worse decisions. Combating stress is not only a health issue, it is also a productivity issue.
Techniques to relieve stress in the office
Neither the work, nor the problems, nor the challenges in the office really come to an end. Stress occurs when we over dimension everyday and inevitable elements of our daily work life, we carry all the responsibility on our shoulders and try to push processes to the maximum that have their own rhythm. To fight against this harmful inertia, discipline and specific actions are needed. Here we explain some of them:
1.- Take brief breaks at least once an hour
Forcing attention on the same task and maintaining the same posture for more than fifty or sixty minutes starts to take its toll on both our mind and our body. Under no circumstances is it healthy to be continuously glued to the chair and the computer for eight hours.
Make sure to clear your mind and stretch your muscles for a moment with each hour of work. As much as possible, also try to organize your tasks in a way that allows you to vary the nature of the activities you do.
Among other things, you can get up for a glass of water to stay hydrated or do some of the exercises we explain below.
2.- Anti-stress muscle relaxation
Preferably, you should perform this exercise standing, paying attention to maintain a straight cervical posture, shoulders back, and the diaphragm well open; be fully aware of the neck muscles, where much of the stress tends to accumulate.
Slowly, make ten movements with your head up and down, and then do another ten repetitions moving your chin to the left and to the right. Finally, repeat the exercise bringing your left ear to your shoulder and vice versa. Try to coordinate the movements with your breathing. You can also relax the shoulders and hips with gentle circular movements.
Practicing this simple routine once or twice a day will make a great difference as it will allow stress to be released properly instead of accumulating until the end of the day.
3.- Controlled deep breathing
Most of the time, humans breathe with short and rhythmic nasal inhalations and exhalations of which we are generally not aware. This kind of automatic breathing does not occupy even 30% of lung capacity and therefore keeps oxygen levels acceptable but not deep.
Properly oxygenating the brain and tissues corresponds to “charging the battery” of concentration and facilitates focus as well as emotional relaxation. It is very easy to do controlled deep breathing exercises, you can do them from the comfort of your chair and they will only take a couple of minutes.
Adopt a comfortable posture with your back straight and eyes closed
Inhale steadily while counting slowly up to ten
Try to fill your lungs from the base of your chest or diaphragm
Exhale slowly while counting to ten
Repeat five or six times
4.- Meditation
Meditation is not only a trendy practice but a scientifically proven technique to reduce levels of anxiety, stress, and irritability. What is exactly meditating? Basically, it is freeing the mind from the past and the future to ground it in the here and now.
There are different meditation techniques that vary widely from one another: some aim to leave the mind completely blank while others rely on guided visualizations that promote states of well-being. Regardless of which one suits your personality best, taking five or ten minutes a day to meditate is a sure bet to control work stress.
5.- The power of laughter and music
Stress is a state that has a lot to do with an alteration of blood pressure and mental processes, as it makes us focus on problems rather than solutions. A simple and effective way to return to a state of well-being and creativity and “think outside the box” is to listen to our favorite music or simply have a good laugh for a moment.
Music positively influences heart rate and hinders the release of stress hormones. Meanwhile, laughter helps relax muscle tension and promotes a flood of happiness hormones. Therefore, taking a break to listen to a song that makes you feel good or just joking with a coworker is, in fact, a very healthy way to improve your performance.
In addition to the practical advice you just read, consider that you can always turn to one of our anti-stress massages at home at the end of a particularly heavy day or week. It's super simple, just log in to our App and select the type of massage you need: we will come to the comfort of your home and even your office.
Living stressed all the time is something we have normalized, but that doesn’t mean it is right or that it cannot be avoided. Stress is one of the worst enemies of quality of life and usually manifests mainly in the work environment and from there affects other personal areas. At Zen to Go, we want to see you calm and relaxed, that's why we have prepared this brief guide to help you with practical exercises so you can manage stress in the office properly.
How does stress affect our body and mind?
Stress is not so much a mental state as a series of hormonal activation processes in the body in response to a real or imaginary threat, which has very real physical consequences. In excess, it causes, among other things:
Muscle pain, especially in the cervical and lumbar areas
Frequent headaches or migraines
Digestive alterations such as colitis, diarrhea, or constipation
Memory and concentration loss
Weight loss or gain
In extreme cases, stress can be the direct cause of gastric ulcers, sexual dysfunction, and even lead to clinical depression.
Stress and work productivity
What we colloquially call “stress” is actually a physiological response that occurs when the body prepares to fight against a threat. In evolutionary terms, it is a very adaptive strategy if it involves escaping from a predator or hunting prey, but in the modern work context, it becomes a kind of diffuse general discomfort that neither helps us perform better nor achieve our goals.
Paradoxically, the more stressed we are, the less we perform, we are less assertive and we make worse decisions. Combating stress is not only a health issue, it is also a productivity issue.
Techniques to relieve stress in the office
Neither the work, nor the problems, nor the challenges in the office really come to an end. Stress occurs when we over dimension everyday and inevitable elements of our daily work life, we carry all the responsibility on our shoulders and try to push processes to the maximum that have their own rhythm. To fight against this harmful inertia, discipline and specific actions are needed. Here we explain some of them:
1.- Take brief breaks at least once an hour
Forcing attention on the same task and maintaining the same posture for more than fifty or sixty minutes starts to take its toll on both our mind and our body. Under no circumstances is it healthy to be continuously glued to the chair and the computer for eight hours.
Make sure to clear your mind and stretch your muscles for a moment with each hour of work. As much as possible, also try to organize your tasks in a way that allows you to vary the nature of the activities you do.
Among other things, you can get up for a glass of water to stay hydrated or do some of the exercises we explain below.
2.- Anti-stress muscle relaxation
Preferably, you should perform this exercise standing, paying attention to maintain a straight cervical posture, shoulders back, and the diaphragm well open; be fully aware of the neck muscles, where much of the stress tends to accumulate.
Slowly, make ten movements with your head up and down, and then do another ten repetitions moving your chin to the left and to the right. Finally, repeat the exercise bringing your left ear to your shoulder and vice versa. Try to coordinate the movements with your breathing. You can also relax the shoulders and hips with gentle circular movements.
Practicing this simple routine once or twice a day will make a great difference as it will allow stress to be released properly instead of accumulating until the end of the day.
3.- Controlled deep breathing
Most of the time, humans breathe with short and rhythmic nasal inhalations and exhalations of which we are generally not aware. This kind of automatic breathing does not occupy even 30% of lung capacity and therefore keeps oxygen levels acceptable but not deep.
Properly oxygenating the brain and tissues corresponds to “charging the battery” of concentration and facilitates focus as well as emotional relaxation. It is very easy to do controlled deep breathing exercises, you can do them from the comfort of your chair and they will only take a couple of minutes.
Adopt a comfortable posture with your back straight and eyes closed
Inhale steadily while counting slowly up to ten
Try to fill your lungs from the base of your chest or diaphragm
Exhale slowly while counting to ten
Repeat five or six times
4.- Meditation
Meditation is not only a trendy practice but a scientifically proven technique to reduce levels of anxiety, stress, and irritability. What is exactly meditating? Basically, it is freeing the mind from the past and the future to ground it in the here and now.
There are different meditation techniques that vary widely from one another: some aim to leave the mind completely blank while others rely on guided visualizations that promote states of well-being. Regardless of which one suits your personality best, taking five or ten minutes a day to meditate is a sure bet to control work stress.
5.- The power of laughter and music
Stress is a state that has a lot to do with an alteration of blood pressure and mental processes, as it makes us focus on problems rather than solutions. A simple and effective way to return to a state of well-being and creativity and “think outside the box” is to listen to our favorite music or simply have a good laugh for a moment.
Music positively influences heart rate and hinders the release of stress hormones. Meanwhile, laughter helps relax muscle tension and promotes a flood of happiness hormones. Therefore, taking a break to listen to a song that makes you feel good or just joking with a coworker is, in fact, a very healthy way to improve your performance.
In addition to the practical advice you just read, consider that you can always turn to one of our anti-stress massages at home at the end of a particularly heavy day or week. It's super simple, just log in to our App and select the type of massage you need: we will come to the comfort of your home and even your office.
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💆 Massages and facials at home in various cities in Mexico 🌟
Swedish Massage
The relaxing massage combines gentle movements to release tension and calm the body and mind.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage uses firm pressure and slow techniques to work on the deeper layers of muscle.
Sports Massage
Sports massage combines specialized techniques to prevent injuries, relieve tension, and optimize muscle recovery.
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Lymphatic drainage massage uses gentle, rhythmic movements to stimulate the lymphatic system, reduce fluid retention, and detoxify the body.
Prenatal Massage
Prenatal massage relieves tension, reduces swelling, and improves the well-being of both the mother and the baby using safe techniques adapted for pregnancy.
Reflexology uses the stimulation of specific points to promote relaxation, improve circulation, and balance overall well-being.
Couples Massage
Custom pressure for each. Ideal for couples looking to reduce stress and enjoy well-being at home.
Fiesta SPA
Experience an unforgettable time with massages and facials, perfect for relaxing with your friends at your spa party or event.
Discover Our Home Services
💆 Massages and facials at home in various cities in Mexico 🌟
Swedish Massage
The relaxing massage combines gentle movements to release tension and calm the body and mind.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage uses firm pressure and slow techniques to work on the deeper layers of muscle.
Sports Massage
Sports massage combines specialized techniques to prevent injuries, relieve tension, and optimize muscle recovery.
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Lymphatic drainage massage uses gentle, rhythmic movements to stimulate the lymphatic system, reduce fluid retention, and detoxify the body.
Prenatal Massage
Prenatal massage relieves tension, reduces swelling, and improves the well-being of both the mother and the baby using safe techniques adapted for pregnancy.
Reflexology uses the stimulation of specific points to promote relaxation, improve circulation, and balance overall well-being.
Couples Massage
Custom pressure for each. Ideal for couples looking to reduce stress and enjoy well-being at home.
Fiesta SPA
Experience an unforgettable time with massages and facials, perfect for relaxing with your friends at your spa party or event.
Discover Our Home Services
💆 Massages and facials at home in various cities in Mexico 🌟
Swedish Massage
The relaxing massage combines gentle movements to release tension and calm the body and mind.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage uses firm pressure and slow techniques to work on the deeper layers of muscle.
Sports Massage
Sports massage combines specialized techniques to prevent injuries, relieve tension, and optimize muscle recovery.
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Lymphatic drainage massage uses gentle, rhythmic movements to stimulate the lymphatic system, reduce fluid retention, and detoxify the body.
Prenatal Massage
Prenatal massage relieves tension, reduces swelling, and improves the well-being of both the mother and the baby using safe techniques adapted for pregnancy.
Reflexology uses the stimulation of specific points to promote relaxation, improve circulation, and balance overall well-being.
Couples Massage
Custom pressure for each. Ideal for couples looking to reduce stress and enjoy well-being at home.
Fiesta SPA
Experience an unforgettable time with massages and facials, perfect for relaxing with your friends at your spa party or event.
Discover Our Home Services
💆 Massages and facials at home in various cities in Mexico 🌟
Swedish Massage
The relaxing massage combines gentle movements to release tension and calm the body and mind.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage uses firm pressure and slow techniques to work on the deeper layers of muscle.
Sports Massage
Sports massage combines specialized techniques to prevent injuries, relieve tension, and optimize muscle recovery.
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Lymphatic drainage massage uses gentle, rhythmic movements to stimulate the lymphatic system, reduce fluid retention, and detoxify the body.
Prenatal Massage
Prenatal massage relieves tension, reduces swelling, and improves the well-being of both the mother and the baby using safe techniques adapted for pregnancy.
Reflexology uses the stimulation of specific points to promote relaxation, improve circulation, and balance overall well-being.
Couples Massage
Custom pressure for each. Ideal for couples looking to reduce stress and enjoy well-being at home.
Fiesta SPA
Experience an unforgettable time with massages and facials, perfect for relaxing with your friends at your spa party or event.
Schedule My Home Massage
Our customer service often exceeds expectations, providing an unmatched experience.
Certified therapists from the best SPAs in the city
No penalties if you cancel 24 hours before your service.
7 out of 10 local customers return and become frequent customers.
Schedule My Home Massage
Our customer service often exceeds expectations, providing an unmatched experience.
Certified therapists from the best SPAs in the city
No penalties if you cancel 24 hours before your service.
7 out of 10 local customers return and become frequent customers.
Schedule My Home Massage
Our customer service often exceeds expectations, providing an unmatched experience.
Certified therapists from the best SPAs in the city
No penalties if you cancel 24 hours before your service.
7 out of 10 local customers return and become frequent customers.
Schedule My Home Massage
Our customer service often exceeds expectations, providing an unmatched experience.
Certified therapists from the best SPAs in the city
No penalties if you cancel 24 hours before your service.
7 out of 10 local customers return and become frequent customers.
We are Home Wellness. We connect you with the best therapists in the city conveniently and securely, so you can say goodbye to stress.
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© 2019-2025 Zen to Go™. All rights reserved. Zen to Go is a registered trademark of Plataformas Zen México SA de CV.
Calle 38 Entre Av. 10 y 10 BIS, Local 12, Zazil-Ha, Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, CP 77720, México.
We are Home Wellness. We connect you with the best therapists in the city conveniently and securely, so you can say goodbye to stress.
Contact us via your preferred channel:
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© 2019-2025 Zen to Go™. All rights reserved. Zen to Go is a registered trademark of Plataformas Zen México SA de CV.
Calle 38 Entre Av. 10 y 10 BIS, Local 12, Zazil-Ha, Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, CP 77720, México.
We are Home Wellness. We connect you with the best therapists in the city conveniently and securely, so you can say goodbye to stress.
Contact us via your preferred channel:
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© 2019-2025 Zen to Go™. All rights reserved. Zen to Go is a registered trademark of Plataformas Zen México SA de CV.
Calle 38 Entre Av. 10 y 10 BIS, Local 12, Zazil-Ha, Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, CP 77720, México.
We are Home Wellness. We connect you with the best therapists in the city conveniently and securely, so you can say goodbye to stress.
Contact us via your preferred channel:
Work with us
© 2019-2025 Zen to Go™. All rights reserved. Zen to Go is a registered trademark of Plataformas Zen México SA de CV.
Calle 38 Entre Av. 10 y 10 BIS, Local 12, Zazil-Ha, Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, CP 77720, México.